See in the newest edition of the “Journal Spécial des Sociétés” articles written by Swift Litigation team.
• Action for liability due to insufficient assets: Directors must be prepared to defend themselves! (Aurélien GAZEL)
• Clarifications on the causes of criminal liability for the company and its directors in case of workplace accidents (Laure KHALIL)
• “Larzul 2” or the admission of nullity of collective decisions by partners violating statutory provisions in an SAS (Nour NEGGAZ)
• Companies invited to ensure strict formalism of standby letters of credit (Guillaume LE GALL)
• Focus on litigation risks related to the climate crisis (Marius CHAPON)
• AI and companies: How can the law accompany the digital revolution? (Florence MARTINET)
• “The law is losing its overall coherence”: Interview with lawyer Julien Martinet